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- Adtran NetVanta 4305 DC 1200950L1 3 Slot Dual Ethernet IP Access Router 55-1
Adtran NetVanta 4305 DC 1200950L1 3 Slot Dual Ethernet IP Access Router 55-1
Product Description
Adtran NetVanta 4305 DC IP Access Router
New in OEM Packaging. Includes getting started manual and DVD.
Does not include power cord.
P/N 1200950L1
Model NetVanta 4305
Number of Slots 3
Number of LAN Ports 2
* Modular router supporting up to eight T1s
* Dual auto-sensing 10/100Base-T interface for LAN segmentation
* Standards-based routing/switching protocols
* Stateful inspection firewall for network security
* Quality of service (QoS) for delay-sensitive traffic like voice over IP (VoIP)
* Inherent URL filtering to manage employee internet access and enforce internet usage policies
* Recognizable command line interface (CLI) to reduce learning curve
* Intuitive web-based graphical user interface (GUI) with step by step set up wizards
* Wi-Fi access controller for centralized management of NetVanta wireless access points (WAP)
* DC powered (-48 +24 VDC)
New in OEM Packaging. Includes getting started manual and DVD.
Does not include power cord.
P/N 1200950L1
Model NetVanta 4305
Number of Slots 3
Number of LAN Ports 2
* Modular router supporting up to eight T1s
* Dual auto-sensing 10/100Base-T interface for LAN segmentation
* Standards-based routing/switching protocols
* Stateful inspection firewall for network security
* Quality of service (QoS) for delay-sensitive traffic like voice over IP (VoIP)
* Inherent URL filtering to manage employee internet access and enforce internet usage policies
* Recognizable command line interface (CLI) to reduce learning curve
* Intuitive web-based graphical user interface (GUI) with step by step set up wizards
* Wi-Fi access controller for centralized management of NetVanta wireless access points (WAP)
* DC powered (-48 +24 VDC)