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- Adtran NetVanta 838 1200633 4-Port SHDSL EFM Ethernet NTU w/ Rackmount Ears 50-4
Adtran NetVanta 838 1200633 4-Port SHDSL EFM Ethernet NTU w/ Rackmount Ears 50-4
Product Description
Adtran NetVanta 838 1200633 4-Port SHDSL EFM Ethernet NTU w/ Rackmount Ears.
Pulled from a clean work environment and Tested.
Product Features:
■ Supports Carrier Ethernet services over Copper.
■ MEF 9/14 certified supporting standard Ethernet OAM.
■ Enhanced SHDSL data rate performance up to 15 Mbps per loop (60/120 Mbps symmetrical total).
■ Auto-failover and recovery for improved service robustness.
■ Symmetrical data transfer rates for upstream/downstream VLAN Management .
■ Plug-and-play auto line detection for easy installation.
■ Autosensing 10/100Base-T Ethernet.
■ Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) 1000Base-X Ethernet.
Pulled from a clean work environment and Tested.
Product Features:
■ Supports Carrier Ethernet services over Copper.
■ MEF 9/14 certified supporting standard Ethernet OAM.
■ Enhanced SHDSL data rate performance up to 15 Mbps per loop (60/120 Mbps symmetrical total).
■ Auto-failover and recovery for improved service robustness.
■ Symmetrical data transfer rates for upstream/downstream VLAN Management .
■ Plug-and-play auto line detection for easy installation.
■ Autosensing 10/100Base-T Ethernet.
■ Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) 1000Base-X Ethernet.