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- Dell 25KG6 OptiPlex 3040 5040 7040 SFF 180W Power Supply 31-3
Dell 25KG6 OptiPlex 3040 5040 7040 SFF 180W Power Supply 31-3
Product Description
Dell 25KG6 OptiPlex 3040 5040 7040 SFF 180W Power Supply
Power supply is in good cosmetic condition. Kept in a clean environment. Displays signs of normal wear and tear. Pulled from a working environment.
Brand Dell
DP/N 25KG6, 025KG6
Known Compatibility OptiPlex 3040, 5040, 7040 SFF
Power supply is in good cosmetic condition. Kept in a clean environment. Displays signs of normal wear and tear. Pulled from a working environment.
Brand Dell
DP/N 25KG6, 025KG6
Known Compatibility OptiPlex 3040, 5040, 7040 SFF