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- Dell 4RK7R PowerEdge R730 Front I/O Power Panel Module w/ Optical Drive 54-3
Dell 4RK7R PowerEdge R730 Front I/O Power Panel Module w/ Optical Drive 54-3
Product Description
Dell 4RK7R PowerEdge R730 Front I/O Power Panel Module w/ Optical Drive
Front panel is in good cosmetic condition. Kept in a clean working environment. Displays signs of normal wear and tear. Front panel has been fully tested to ensure there are no issues with the front panel and its functions. Passed all tests.
Brand Dell
DP/N 4RK7R, 04RK7R
Optical Drive DP/N X8N2W, 0X8N2W
Compatibility PowerEdge R730
Front panel is in good cosmetic condition. Kept in a clean working environment. Displays signs of normal wear and tear. Front panel has been fully tested to ensure there are no issues with the front panel and its functions. Passed all tests.
Brand Dell
DP/N 4RK7R, 04RK7R
Optical Drive DP/N X8N2W, 0X8N2W
Compatibility PowerEdge R730