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- Seagate 9Z1066-065 Cheetah 15K.5 300GB 15000RPM SAS-1 16MB Cache 3.5" HDD 51-4
Seagate 9Z1066-065 Cheetah 15K.5 300GB 15000RPM SAS-1 16MB Cache 3.5" HDD 51-4
Product Description
Seagate 9Z1066-065 Cheetah 15K.5 300GB 15000RPM SAS-1 16MB Cache 3.5" HDD
Hard drive is in good cosmetic condition. It displays normal signs of wear and tear. Hard drive has been wiped to NAID standards and tested to ensure there are no issues with the hard drive and its functions. Passed all testing.
Brand Seagate
Product Line Cheetah 15K.5
Model ST3300655SS
P/N 9Z1066-065
Form Factor 3.5 in
Capacity 300 GB
Cache 16 MB
Spindle Speed 15000 RPM
Average Seek Time 3.5 ms
Drive Interface Type SAS-1 (3.0 Gbps)
Firmware RS02
Features - Perpendicular Recording
- Idle Read After Write (IRAW)
- Background Media Scan (BMS)
- Enhanced Error Correction Code
Hard drive is in good cosmetic condition. It displays normal signs of wear and tear. Hard drive has been wiped to NAID standards and tested to ensure there are no issues with the hard drive and its functions. Passed all testing.
Brand Seagate
Product Line Cheetah 15K.5
Model ST3300655SS
P/N 9Z1066-065
Form Factor 3.5 in
Capacity 300 GB
Cache 16 MB
Spindle Speed 15000 RPM
Average Seek Time 3.5 ms
Drive Interface Type SAS-1 (3.0 Gbps)
Firmware RS02
Features - Perpendicular Recording
- Idle Read After Write (IRAW)
- Background Media Scan (BMS)
- Enhanced Error Correction Code