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- Sun 540-6611-01 Seagate 9F4066-044 73GB 10k RPM SAS-1 16MB Cache 2.5" HDD 29-4
Sun 540-6611-01 Seagate 9F4066-044 73GB 10k RPM SAS-1 16MB Cache 2.5" HDD 29-4
Product Description
Sun 540-6611-01 Seagate 9F4066-044 73GB 10k RPM SAS-1 16MB Cache 2.5" HDD
Hard drive is in good cosmetic condition. It displays normal signs of wear and tear. Hard drive has been wiped to NAID standards and tested to ensure there are no issues with the hard drive and its functions. Passed all testing.
Brand Sun/Seagate
Product Line Savvio 10K.2
Model ST973402SS
P/N 9F4066-044
FRU 540-6611-01
Form Factor 2.5 in
Capacity 73 GB
Cache 16 MB
Spindle Speed 10000 RPM
Average Seek Time 2.7 ms
Drive Interface Type SAS-1 (3.0 Gbps)
Firmware 0400
Features - Load/Unload Technology
- End-to-end Data Protection
- Work-load Detector Technology
- Thermal Flyheight Control (TFC)
- Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) Motor
- Rotational Vibration Safeguard (RVS)
- Tunnel Magneto-resistive Recording (TMR) Head Technology
Hard drive is in good cosmetic condition. It displays normal signs of wear and tear. Hard drive has been wiped to NAID standards and tested to ensure there are no issues with the hard drive and its functions. Passed all testing.
Brand Sun/Seagate
Product Line Savvio 10K.2
Model ST973402SS
P/N 9F4066-044
FRU 540-6611-01
Form Factor 2.5 in
Capacity 73 GB
Cache 16 MB
Spindle Speed 10000 RPM
Average Seek Time 2.7 ms
Drive Interface Type SAS-1 (3.0 Gbps)
Firmware 0400
Features - Load/Unload Technology
- End-to-end Data Protection
- Work-load Detector Technology
- Thermal Flyheight Control (TFC)
- Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) Motor
- Rotational Vibration Safeguard (RVS)
- Tunnel Magneto-resistive Recording (TMR) Head Technology